
This series was taken one fall day by a friend, documentary photographer Chris Fowler. I wanted to share this process of work, homeschooling, life - it’s not divided into bits of time or places. It all happens at the same time. I used to think I needed a studio set up a certain way, with the right tools, and the right-size chunks of undisturbed time; that was never quite practical. So I slowly, sometimes painfully, adapted to working when I can, where I can, in the midst of boys working on their own projects and talking to me and playing games. It doesn’t all happen this way - the boys are with their dad three days a week, and I get some studio time those days, before and after my shifts as a bartender, and I have one morning of undisturbed time every week, which either goes to studio time or other household/life tasks. However, this combination of work/life is a fairly frequent occurrence and an important part of my studio time. I was lucky to have many beautiful fall days this year to work out on my porch, and the help of my dear friend and neighbor Dominique in carting my wheel back and forth between my basement studio and the porch. Photos © Chris Fowler